We're a finalist in the 2023 global good awards - Community Partnership of the Year!

We're a finalist in the 2023 global good awards - Community Partnership of the Year!

SEF ran a 3-year program de Desarrollo de Emprendimiento en Cerro de San Pedro after being hired by New Gold to facilitate the community’s independence from mining. Since 2015 we’ve worked with the community on a program to build capacity to work with entrepreneurs, and they continue using our methodology to further robust the local economy. Todos por Cerro de San Pedro Foundation (FTCSP), is a non-profit institution modeled after our structure. The community started with little-to-no businesses within three years 151 new businesses were started. We actively engaged 150+ people and our operations continue to reach 240+ entrepreneurs.

Thanks to this project we were nominated and now we are finalists as “Community Partnership of the Year”

#GlobalGood #GlobalGoodAward2023 #Entrepreneurs #SEFCanada #Community #Mexico

Global Good Awards

Todos por Cerro San Pedro Website (The Project)