Civic Pride: Your city, by you and for you

Civic Pride: Your city, by you and for you

Understanding what drives the health of a city is integral to economic development. Many vouch that it is largely financial investment that will kick-start economic growth. Others will say it's gathering a team of external experts to lead the way in skills and educational growth. And while both these components are necessary and useful, they are not the core. The core to economic development, and sustained economic development at that, is civic pride. It is people in the community caring about their city, caring about the people in it, and leading others to adopt this community-centric approach to life, commerce and well-being.

Civic Pride

Civic pride is caring about your city, caring about its people and working in collaboration with those in your vicinity for their good, growth and greatness. It is to see your community thrive from the inside out, working in unity to bring everyone up to purpose filled, community-lead financial and further holistic success.

Data Driven

Statistics from a wide range of financial and psychological studies show that civic pride is extremely beneficial to communities. Research highlights that bringing people together in collaboration can initiate the spark and sustained benefits of elevated civic pride.

Economic Futures

A core bedrock to the creation and sustaining of economic future is civic pride. This is why SEF’s community resources team has seen success time and time again by plugging into the enormous potential, passion and energy that is found within people and communities that want to see themselves and each other greatly succeed, for the community, by the community.

Together means stronger

Civic pride means strength in a common goal, civic pride means strength in a common purpose. Where some may be struggling, others may shoulder the burden for a little while. The old adage ‘it takes a village’ is central to sustained economic development. Through using their Community Resources team model, SEF has seen countless town’s opportunities blossom through the community owning the desire for sustained financial freedom, doing the work, for the long term satisfaction of sustained economic futures.

SEF’s model to create momentum and opportunities

As is evident in the many sobering realities around the world, disconnection, poverty and lack of opportunities can have deep consequences. Turning opportunities around in towns such as these will always have its challenges, especially for the long run. SEF has seen through decades of experience that once the flame of civic pride has been lit, it is astonishingly immune to going out.

SEF’s Community Resources Team

It goes without saying that one of the most proud elements of SEF’s overarching program is the Community Resources team. Comprised of community volunteers who support entrepreneurs, the teams have constantly been evolving and encouraged by the projects they have been a part of.

Those who are a part of CR teams have seen that when individuals feel a strong sense of civic pride, inexplicable events happen. A drive to initiate action and tasks, to improve and support the well-being of the overall community, is seen, and encouragingly it doesn’t end there. A knock-on effect is witnessed, where others are compelled to follow suit and a momentum builds. Local businesses are kept in business, better yet, they continue to grow. Tangible problems like litter and graffiti are seen to reduce, property values increase and criminal activity declines.

SEF’s Community Resources team, encouraged by past successes, looks to the future to be a part of building the civic pride that results in individual responsibility morphing into community strength. From there, to see the entire community improved and lead into the numerous benefits of self-sufficiency is professionally and personally rewarding.

Contact SEF today to hear more about how SEF’s Community Resources team may help contribute to your town and community!

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Written by Amy Henderson